The Structure of our Days
Morning GLORY!
What do you need in your morning? Is it a meditation practice? Exercise or stretching? Journaling? Think about what you would need to create your best start of the day. Look at what you can cut out time wise in the morning (like phone scrolling (note to self!)), or how you can set yourself up the night before, like going to sleep 15 minutes earlier so you have the time. Decide how long you have so it is doable, and schedule it in your morning menu with 5 dishes only. You would probably make up your mind much faster then say, a saga of a Jerry’s Deli menu. In the first month of quarantine, I was so excited not to get up to an alarm, stay in bed a bit longer, and scroll my phone. Breakfast was at 10 AM, and choosing what to do all day was amazing. It was the first time I didn’t have to be on a schedule for decades. My workplace closed down by LA ordinance, and there are no children to take care of. Freedom!! But after a while, it got old. By 10 AM, I had nothing to show for. The novelty wore off. I needed boundaries again. A schedule. Being productive has always felt good to me. It gives me a sense of accomplishment.
Has your own schedule crumbled? Are you working from home? Social life gone? Eating gone haywire? Creating a schedule into your calendar in these days of covid might be the most valuable thing you can do for yourself!
I joke a full truth that these days, that I need to stretch in the morning. I just wake up stiff and instead of just going through my day waiting for it all to loosen, I have put stretches into my morning routine that have really helped. Five to ten minutes only can make a difference. I also decided I wanted to walk almost every morning and take advantage of the peace and beauty of that time. I set an alarm, and go. Before breakfast, I have already got my exercise in, feel fantastic for my day, and can still start a session by 9!
If you have children, this may not be possible. But if you can carve 10 minutes for yourself in the morning to do something to set yourself up for the day, it can make a huge difference. Make it easy. Prepare the night before. If you need stretches, lay out a mat. (I have several videos under 5 minutes on my YouTube channel if you need some guidance). If it is meditation, have a pillow ready. If you have work, get up a bit earlier and get it done. The Covid 15 is the new Freshman 15. I hit my highest weight ever, and knew that this had to change. Too many family birthdays materialized too many delicious cupcakes. I put cardio into my schedule, which keeps weight in check, and focuses my mind into making good food choices for our long days at home.
What do you need in your morning? Is it a meditation practice? Exercise or stretching? Journaling? Think about what you would need to create your best start of the day. Look at what you can cut out time wise in the morning (like phone scrolling (note to self!)), or how you can set yourself up the night before, like going to sleep 15 minutes earlier so you have the time. Decide how long you have so it is doable, and schedule it in your morning.
Do you have any rituals to wind you down? You’ve been Yang all day, can you find your Yin for balance? Get ready to rest so you can get a restorative night's sleep? Is it a shower, bath? The roller? Breathing meditation? My sister’s family loves the Calm app. Is there a book to read or TV show you’ve been wanting to watch? A lovely night walk with your partner or friend, if it is safe. Stretching is also relaxing. I started taking Calcium Magnesium at night, which has helped me sleep much better. Take the time to prepare the body for rest.
Getting it done
Find even more freedom by creating a schedule on your terms. Is there a book you’ve been wanting to read, a project that you want to do, home improvement that hasn’t happened? Make a list! See goals written down, organized, and in front of you. Look at your calendar and schedule it in. A new language, skill, or hobby? One of my goals was to have more of an “out there” voice, so thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this! Being conscious of how we spend our time will help us make the most of our days.