Blog - The Curious Mover

Listening - Ear to Body
Going inward to listen is an art form in itself.
Push to your edges but respect the boundaries.

The Boss of You-Taking Ownership
Right now, without moving, what are you doing while you are reading this? Are you sitting? How are you sitting? Are you sitting on one hip more than the other? Is your pelvis square to the front or twisted? Are your feet fully touching the ground comfortably? These questions help raise awareness of habitual patterns we may have that might contribute to pain. These questions are helpful to remember in order to start taking ownership. Ownership of your body.

The Structure of our Days
What do you need in your morning? Is it a meditation practice? Exercise or stretching? Journaling? Think about what you would need to create your best start of the day. Look at what you can cut out time wise in the morning (like phone scrolling (note to self!)), or how you can set yourself up the night before, like going to sleep 15 minutes earlier so you have the time. Decide how long you have so it is doable, and schedule it in your morning menu with 5 dishes only. You would probably make up your mind much faster then say, a saga of a Jerry’s Deli menu.