Just Throw your Hands in the Air - Part 2
Ultimate Arms Overhead
We made it! It’s the end of the most bizarre year. And this is the last CM of the year! I thank you for taking time in your day to read this. Time is precious and there are so many emails to read, but I can only hope it has inspired body learning, a good book to read, or a great dessert to make! It was a little experiment I tried, and so far, I have been enjoying it. Hope you have as well. Don’t forget to forward to your friends.
So now that you watched the video from Part 1 of Throw your Hands in the Air, with incredible visuals on how the joint, scapulae, and clavicle complex work. These images are important to keep in mind while you are exercising, whether you are pushing or pulling for overhead strength! This video I made focuses on the PUSH of overhead strength, which I have been working with all of you this year in our sessions. But I have a great PULL story. I was that wife who asked for a pull up bar or a rope to climb for the holidays. Why yes, my husband spoils me so I got both, including installation! No bright and sparkly lil bauble is going to help my overhead pull up fitness goals - to pull my body weight. I always loved it as a kid, and although I weighed much less then, the prospect created an enticing movement challenge. Yes folks, movement challenges are enticing to me, which might be strange, but that is why I am a movement lover and fitness trainer. But let's get on with it.
In this edition, I promised to show you some exercises that can prep for overhead pushing arm strength. So when you get back to traveling, you can pop that suitcase above you NP! These exercises emphasize pushing overhead strength, not pulling strength, but you can come over and use my pull up bar for that, it will be outside!
Included in the video are 6 exercises, all varying with progressions. When you have found an exercise that is challenging for you, stick with it consistently. When it gets too easy, progress for challenge. That’s how strength happens! Please share your overhead progress with me, and onward, 2021!