Get on UP with a breakDOWN: The Turkish Get Up
Join me for The Turkish Get Up!
Video Below!
Happy MID January. While it is traditional to have new year resolutions in January, perhaps it is a tall order to try to fulfill so many at once. Why don’t we make success easy at the beginning of a new year? Instead of multiple resolutions, let’s take on one challenge, in small attainable steps. Seven steps to be exact and another seven more when you are ready! Your challenge: to learn the Turkish Get Up!
I have chosen one of my go to full body exercises that works everything, The Turkish Get Up. Not only does this exercise work the whole body, but it’s valuable for a functional reason. It will keep you mobile and strong to get up from, and down to, the floor. That action is lifesaving. Ironically and unfortunately, that movement tends to be avoided as we get older. We will lose it if we don’t use it, and it is important at any age to be able to get off of the floor. Gravity is a constant companion during our lifetime, and it doesn’t discriminate, so we can fall at any age.
While the steps of this exercise are not important to memorize in case of a fall: Survival instinct will kick in, and you will do what you need and get up. This sequence will give you the strength and mobility to get up, however you can.
There are only seven moves to practice going up. Then seven moves down. Practice without a weight. Here are some suggestions:
Take small steps in this complex exercise.
Try the first 3 moves and practice those really well, then finish with the next 4.
Just practice the acceleration phase up, before you head back down into the deceleration phase.
Bring a chair nearby so you can use it to assist you after the lunge to help you stand up, the hard part for my older clients.
You are in charge of your movement sequencing - choose how many steps you can achieve progressively. To get better at this, you have to practice consistently. Like everything we want to get better at!
Start with 3 sets each side, and progress to 6 sets each side.
Start on your back. The left arm will be pointed to the sky, the entire time! Your focus will always be on your left hand. The left leg is bent. After completion, switch sides! Right arm up, right knee bent…
Getting Up!
Roll to the left side and come up to the forearm of the left.
Then use your abdominals and come up to the left hand to straighten the left arm.
Use your gluts to lift the pelvis up
Bring left leg through to an open kneeling position
Shift your pelvis or hips upright
Square your legs
Step up, and together
Coming Down!
Step right leg back
Turn Right foot in towards pelvis or towards left leg
Hips or pelvis shift to side, right hand goes down
Lift hips up
Lower pelvis to ground
Roll towards right side to lower to forearm or elbow
Lower to ground until flat
Next time we will put it all together with weights. In two weeks, with consistent practice, you will be ready to load this complex movement pattern. Good luck and let me know if you have any further questions, and of course, how you are doing!