Blog - The Curious Mover

Should I STAY or Should I GO?
To exercise or not to exercise? That is the question!
When will exercise help shift you out of feeling tired or when does your body need the rest? These are great questions to ask, but the answer is, it depends. It helps to develop a skill of listening and asking your body.
I can’t even count the number of times clients come in and tell me how tired they are, only to leave feeling better and revived. That’s the beauty of movement! I make sure in those sessions to give more flow to honor tired, but just the right push to achieve that shift. I always encourage communication with clients about how they are feeling during a session so I can adjust what movement direction I go in next. But when do we go and when do we skip exercise?

Lengthen While You Sleep
In a Pilates session, I cue you a jillion times to lengthen your spine actively away from your legs, but lengthening while you sleep sounds like a whole not a lot of effort dream come true. Yes you can create length in your spine while you sleep! You might as well, you are there for a good 6-9 hours of your 24.