Blog - The Curious Mover

More Adventures in Gluten Free: BREADS
One Sunday morning, I woke up with the burning desire to fulfill a mission…I wanted to go on the hero's journey of attempting to make homemade gluten free bread that actually tastes delicious.
I searched for gluten free bread recipes with a certain criteria. So many recipes required so many ingredients. As a baking-philic wife of a gluten intolerant man, I have MANY flours and starches, so if the recipe called for a flour I actually didn’t have, I passed. Until I found the perfect one…. I had all the ingredients - here’s to a wing, and an uncardboardy tasting prayer. And made the sign of the Star of David for some extra!
Gluten free baking has its challenges. I try to reduce the amount of gluten in general, so it’s worth exploring other options. The picture looked so beautiful, I was convinced mine would NOT look as nice, but I was wrong!

Recipes for February
It’s been a minute since I posted some of my favorite healthy meals. The first two, in particular, were perfect for the lunar new year, which perhaps was a subconscious inspiration, or can be a wonderful meal for your partner, your kids, or a dear friend. I made all these dishes for my family, since my husband is not a meat eater. I was inspired to get back to my protein and vegetable days of eating. That’s where I feel the best, but that doesn’t mean it’s for everyone. Some people thrive as a vegetarian or vegan, so it’s good to know what kind of foods nourish you the most. Nonetheless, if you like protein and vegetables, these recipes are keepers! These 3 recipes verge towards paleo, meaning there is no dairy or gluten. I have made these recipes twice, so I will put in my two cents and suggestions.
Holiday “Healthier” Dessert for Passover and Easter
It seems a contradiction to have a blog about health and movement, and then slip some dessert recipes in there. But we all need a vice, and mine is baking, and it’s only kind to share this type of vice with you! Plus the holiday dessert editions were very popular, so you demand and I supply. At least these desserts have modified sugar or use healthier fats and no gluten. I have two recipes for Passover and two for Easter, although with a little bit of paleo flour magic, all these recipes work for Passover as well! And even though our Seders are finished, we still have a good amount of time in Passover to still make treats.