Blog - The Curious Mover
Best Gluten Free Pizza Crust
Conquering your baking challenges feels like a huge feather in your baker’s cap. Gluten free pizza dough tasting like the real deal was a goal. My husband misses pizza, and gluten free crust pizzas can be twice the price in restaurants. If the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, then pizza is the bullet train.

Cumulus Egg Muffins
This edition of The Curious Mover is on the lighter side. We will soon delve into the emotional body. I have learned that if emotions and trauma are unresolved, they can be a major reason why people have pain. Exercise can only do so much. But for now, some fluff. Cumulus clouds are light and puffy, the ones you want to jump into. I came across a recipe for egg muffins. I am always looking for something interesting to make that is protein rich with vegetables, and low carbohydrates. I found a recipe that was super easy to make, but they were not enjoyable. They felt dense and dry. So the baker in me had another idea to try and it worked beautifully, and they are just as easy. I named them after fluffy cumulus clouds because that is what they taste like.