Blog - The Curious Mover

Your Gut Microbiome PART 3
Researchers are finding disturbances of the microbiome create disease, including obesity, diabetes, mental health, autism spectrum disorder, and immunity.
Your Gut Microbiome PART 2
Researchers are finding disturbances of the microbiome create disease, including obesity, diabetes, mental health, autism spectrum disorder, and immunity.
Your Gut Microbiome PART 1
I have done my best to scrape and dig at the surface to bring you an introduction to this new, exciting field of science. Microbes are everywhere, and have been here since the beginning of time. Numerous and diverse, microbes are yeasts, parasites, protozoan, fungi, viruses and bacteria and they live all over your body. That image sounds frightening, but if they are part of a healthy host, they will do their job: creating a healthy metabolism, functioning immune system, inflammation regulation, and even impact our mental health. That’s a tall order! Most of these microbes live in the gut, but it’s the bacteria of all the critters that collaborate with your physiology and good health.