Blog - The Curious Mover

Lemonade is 20/20
This year, we have all been handed lemons. Symbolically, lemons are seen as bitterness and disappointment. And yes, that has been true for all of us! But, if you close your eyes, imagine cutting a lemon in half, holding it up to your nose, and taking a deep inhale, you will find the upside of a cleansing, refreshing, invigorating scent. And a glass of lemonade always sounds delicious. So what is the lemonade of your situation? Have you been able to find the right balance of sweet and sour? Has it been hard to swallow, or are you used to the taste? Has it changed the lens of your life in a beneficial way, like having more time at home or with family, and you may actually be enjoying your drink? Our lemons this year have also taught us to be nimble and adaptable, because we had no choice, and creative enough to invent a Plan B.