Blog - The Curious Mover

The Brace and The Torque - Epilogue
Sounds like a soap opera, a dramatic novel, or an alternative music group. But nope, it is another layer I am adding into my teaching to create stability. This two part series (because I had way more to say than I thought) will explore these two principles as it relates to Pilates and strength training. As you all know, I love learning, and I am in the middle of reading Becoming a Supple Leopard by Kelly Starrett. It is catered to the cross fit community as well as olympic weightlifters, yes, SO not what I teach. But it has made a huge impact in my sessions to cue the brace and the torque in Pilates, walking, and strength training.

The Brace and the Torque - Prologue
Sounds like a soap opera, a dramatic novel, or an alternative music group. But nope, it is another layer I am adding into my teaching to create stability. This two part series (because I had way more to say than I thought) will explore these two principles as it relates to Pilates and strength training. As you all know, I love learning, and I am in the middle of reading Becoming a Supple Leopard by Kelly Starrett. It is catered to the cross fit community as well as olympic weightlifters, yes, SO not what I teach. But it has made a huge impact in my sessions to cue the brace and the torque in Pilates, walking, and strength training.