Blog - The Curious Mover

Measuring Sticks
We’ve been in quarantine for six months. Although it can be hard to stay motivated, keeping up with skills we love or starting a new skill you never had time for can bring us joy. In the habit of sticking with your habit, perhaps there are ways of seeing improvements that act like measuring sticks to our personal development. What have you stuck with during this time that brings you happiness? Are you learning a new skill? Six months later, how can you tell you are better at it? This measurement can assess whether you are creating small (or big) positive changes. Having to eat every meal at home has upped people’s cooking skills and dinner is more delicious. Maybe you have been able to rest more, and you feel better for it. Having a measuring stick during this time can bring us some personal satisfaction and success that can fill our spirit with resolve to keep moving us forward with inspiration.